Question : Which of the following statements are correct regarding the composition of the State Legislative Council as of December 2023?
A. The maximum strength of the Council is fixed at one-third of the total strength of the Assembly.
B. The minimum strength of the Council is fixed at 40.
C. A total of 5/6 of the total number of members of a Legislative Council are indirectly elected and 1/6 members are nominated.
D. The nominations (nominated members) made by the Governor can be challenged in the court.
Option 1: B, C and D only
Option 2: A, B and C only
Option 3: A, B, C and D
Option 4: A, B and D only
Correct Answer: A, B and C only
Solution : The correct answer is A, B and C only.
A state's Legislative Council may not have fewer than 40 members or more than one-third of the State Assembly's total membership, as stated in Article 171 of the Constitution. One-third or less of the State Legislative Assembly's members may comprise the State Legislative Council. Its membership must, however, be less than forty. The State Legislative Council's Chairman and Deputy Chairman are chosen by these members.
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