Which one is best IIFPT or kongu engineering college?
Kongu Engineering college is one of the best and standard Engineering college in Tamilnadu. They provide all the necessary facility for the students to improve their knowledge. When it comes to best department its very tough to bring because every department has its unique specialty.
When it comes to placement CSE, IT and ECE rocks.
When it comes to teaching CIVIL rocks.
When it comes to culturals CSE and EIE are the best.
When it comes to enjoyment with studies no other department can withstand with mechanical they will equally contribute in both the areas.
In overall all the departments in Kongu will be perfect match to join in oneday sharing companies since the IT companies which visit KEC for recruitment they will not considered your department they will considered your problem solving ability only so take any department in KEC and enjoy those unforgettable four years. Cheers…..
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