Which one is better for CAT classes Time vashi or Endeavour vashi?
Hi Mishika,
It won’t really matter whether you take CAT preparation classes from TIME or Endeavour. The things which really matter are a consistent practice of whatever is taught in classes, solving mock test papers regularly in a time-bound manner as the sections are time-bound in CAT exam, and a planned preparation and exam day strategy. What you can do is take sample classes if possible and choose the one where you get the right mentors because right guidance is really important. When you solve test papers, you would need a mentor to analyse your performance so that you can work on your weak areas.
CAT 2018 has been announced and will be conducted on November 25, 2018, Sunday. Get all the information about CAT 2018 through free E-books and preparation tips by exploring the following links:
How to prepare for CAT without coaching
CAT Section Wise Preparation Tips
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Hope that’s helpful.
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