why there is a huge difference between score and percentile in snap exam and many students with the same marks are getting very different percentile
HI Raj,
Percentile and score does not remain same throughout every year of SNAP exam. It varies greatly with the difficulty of the questions and the number of test takers across the country. When I had appeared for SNAP in 2017, with a consolidated score of 55, my percentile was 98.2134 to be precise because the highest(that is 100 percentile) was somewhat around 70-75 marks .While for some other year, the 100 percentile was somewhat around 85-95 marks. So, it all depends on the questions that are set for that year.
Another thing is that, this is the concept of percentile and not percentage. So the moment you will go up, there the difference will start increasing for even a small amount of change in marks. It is almost similar to a bell curve distribution. The scores of all the candidates are uniformly distributed with the highest taken as 100 percentile and depending upon the highest, the other percentile scores are calculated.
Now, the same marks can fetch you different percentiles because that is how SNAP removes the tie in score. One of the factors that causes this are the sectional percentiles and error rates. There can be other factors too, of removing these ties.
The colleges that come under SNAP are:
5.SIBM, Hyderabad
I hope I have been able to solve your query. Do write to us in case of any confusion or anything that you want to know regarding MBA and I would be happy to help. All the best!!!
Good Luck