Will there be any kind of intergration at some point of time so that LSAT India takers will also be able to apply for international universities?
We do, in fact administer the global LSAT in India for people who want to apply for law school in North America or elsewhere and I do think that students who are interested in going to law school in India should take the LSAT India and get into LSAT India accepting law school and it's certainly possible that if a student has global aspiration and want to study internationally,it is a very tried and true thing to do to get your undergraduate degree in law and then study in US Or Canada and get your LLM degree in law so it's a very standard path that people take. It gives you the grounding in Indian law and then it gives you that international exposure in the LLM degree.
Dr. Jason Dickenson
Director, India Testing- Law School Admission Council (LSAC)