Will there be negative marking for more than one correct answers in NEST exam.
The exam pattern for NEST is as follows -
All the questions in NEST 2020 are multiple-choice questions where the candidates have to choose one correct option out of the four options given.
In section II of the NEST question paper, the candidates are given the questions which carry one or more correct answers. Candidates have to mark all the correct answers.
In section 1 of the NEST question paper 2020, there will be no negative marking. However, in other sections, there will be negative marking about which the candidates will be notified.
Section to section V contains questions from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics. Candidates can attempt as many NEST questions as they can but during the calculation of the NEST result , the marks of the best three subjects are taken into consideration.
For more information go through the following article.
NEST Question/Sample Papers
Candidates can download NEST Question/Sample Papers from here.