with 71k rank in wbjee can i get cse in any colg
Dear Rituparna ,
It is difficult to predict the exact cut off any college as each year the cut off can change due to several factors like :
- Seat Matrix
- Difficulty level questions
- No of students appeared for the exams
Well, as per the previous year WBJEE 2021 cut off, you have less chances to get CSE branch in any college of West Bengal. To get CSE branch , you need to gain rank within 65k .
You can check previous year cut off details from here too :
Use this WBJEE college predictor for your reference :
Hope this helps !
Yes! You can get CSE in some of the below mentioned colleges:-
- Bankura Unnayani Institute of Engineering
- Bengal College of Engineering
- Bengal Institute of Technology and Management
- Camilla school of Engineering and Technology
- Dr. Sudheer chandra sur degree Engineering college
- Kanad Institute of Engineering and management
- Mallabhum Institute of Technology
- Modern Institute of Engineering and Technology
- Neotia Institute of Technology management and science
- sanaka education trust group of institutions
You can visit the below link to predict your colleges through your WBJEE RANK :-
All the best!
WBJEE Sample Papers
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