SATA and PATA Full Form

SATA and PATA Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 04, 2023 04:10 PM IST

What is the full form of SATA and PATA?

SATA and PATA are both a connector which is used to connect the secondary storage or external devices to the computer. PATA stands for Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment which is only an interface used to connect secondary storage devices like hard disk and optical drive. Western Digital and Compaq first introduced it in 1986. SATA later replaced it.

SATA and PATA Full Form
SATA and PATA Full Form

SATA stands for Serial Advanced Technology Attachment and is also an interface (pin) that connects hard drives, and optical drives to the computer motherboard. It was introduced in 2001 when PATA gradually lost its demand by the Serial ATA Working Group. SATA has more advantages than PATA, which makes it more in demand.

Different between SATA and PATA

Sl No.




It is only a 7-pin connector.

It comes with a 40-pin connector.


It is easy to handle.

The time of connection takes too much attention and time.


Failure rate is low.

The failure rate is too high.


Production cost is low.

Production cost is high.


Cable size is smaller.

The cable size is bigger.


It has the feature of hot swapping.

This kind of connector does not have this feature.


External hard drives can be used through SATA.

External hard drives can not be used with PATA.


It is cheaper.

It is higher in cost.

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