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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

Chronic diseases originating from lifestyle and environmental factors are the primary causes of mortality and healthcare costs worldwide. The economic burden of poor lifestyle decisions is no longer tolerable and cannot be ignored. A major emphasis must be placed on lifestyle medicine features to effectively treat the causes of these diseases and avoid them. Lifestyle Medicine Treatments of Chronic Disease—Part 1 certification course is designed by Amanda McKinney, a physician with a passion for lifestyle, medicine, and environmental issues, and is presented by Edx.

Lifestyle Medicine Treatments of Chronic Disease – Part 1 online classes offer two weeks of digital lectures with 10–15 hours per week of study and learning resources which are aimed at individuals seeking to learn about the deficiencies in traditional Western medicine and more effective lifestyle-based treatment protocols for preventing and treating chronic lifestyle diseases.

The Lifestyle Medicine Treatments of Chronic Disease – Part 1 online training aims to acknowledge the importance of, and the link between, dietary habits, smoking cessation, and alcohol consumption. Aiming students will learn to distinguish between the efficacy of conventional treatments and that of lifestyle-based treatments, and they will be able to recognize effective lifestyle-based treatment protocols for the prevention and treatment of lifestyle-related chronic diseases.

The self-paced course can be taken by the students in verified or free modes. While taking it in the verified mode, the learners will need to pay the fee and will get unlimited access to the course materials. In the free mode, the can audit it for a limited duration. 

The Highlights

  • Certificate of Completion
  • Self-Paced Course
  • Two Weeks
  • 10–15 Hours Per Week

Programme Offerings

  • Online Course
  • Learning resources
  • Optional Upgrade

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 18374yesDoane University, Crete

Lifestyle Medicine Treatments of Chronic Disease Part 1 fee structure: 


Amount (In INR)

Verified Track


Audit Track


What you will learn

Knowledge of nutritionKnowledge of healthcare sciences

After completing the Lifestyle Medicine Treatments of Chronic Disease – Part 1 online certification, individuals will acquire a thorough understanding of the core principles of the medical treatments as well as will acquire knowledge of the concepts involved with nutrition, tobacco cessation, and alcohol capabilities and their interaction with chronic diseases.

Aspirants will get to know the difference between traditional treatments and lifestyle-based treatments. and the strategies used to prevent and cure lifestyle-related chronic illnesses.

Who it is for

The Syllabus

  • Welcome

  • Hypertension

  • Hyperlipidemia

  • Angina - Atherosclerosis

  • Diabetes & Obesity

  • Liver Disease

  • Kidney Disease

  • Alzheimer's Disease

  • Breast Cancer

  • Course Complete


Amanda McKinney

Doane University, Crete

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