Introduction to Cobots, Evolution of Force Control and Cobots (The technological difference), Unique capabilities of a Cobot. Understanding constrained motion tasks.
Applications: Material Handling, Machine tending, Process tasks, Finishing tasks, Quality inspection, etc.
Levels of Collaboration, Safety standards, and Risk Assessment.
Actuators and Drives: BLDC and Synchronous AC servo motors, Servo drives, integrated hardware controllers and communication interfaces.
Sensors: Position, velocity, acceleration, and force sensors.
Transmission systems and Joint Design: Harmonic Drives, Gear Box and Transmission systems.
Design of Safe workspaces: Safety triggers and functions, Workspace monitoring and marking forbidden zones, External and Internal Safety devices, Norms and Regulations, and Robot System design: Edges, Body and the Joints.
DOF of a Robot Manipulator. Kinematic Transformations: Homogeneous Transformation, Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) Parameters; Forward Kinematics.
Inverse Kinematics.
Differential Motion: link velocity and Acceleration analysis, Jacobian matrix and Singularity.
Statics: Link forces and moments; Recursive formulation,
Robot Control: Transfer function and state-space representation of a robotic joint, feedback control system, Proportional, Integral, and Derivative (PID) control. Gain tuning.
Force control of Industrial Robots: Stiffness Control, Admittance control, Admittance Control and Hybrid control. Advanced force control approaches.
Demonstrating special features of a Cobot: Gravity compensation and Lead through programming,
Programmable compliance, Arbitrary reference compliance, Programmed path compliance, Kinematic redundancy. Case study: Approaches for an Assembly task.