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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

Swayam’s Introduction to World Literature online course introduces its candidates to the vast world of writings, produced in various languages, cultural contexts, and nations. While the program doesn’t claim to cover all time periods and every single one of their literary traditions, it does aim to familiarise learners with the English Language’s representative texts, available today. This short, 12-week training belongs to the English Studies’ and ‘Humanities and Social Sciences’ categories, set at the postgraduate level. 

An elective program, the Introduction to World Literature certification syllabus covers numerous vital learnings. These include classics such as Don Quixote, Beowulf, Indian literature from the likes of Tagore, Kamala Das, short stories, American literature like Toni Morrison, Alice Walker’s Everyday Use, critical theory, women writers, contemporary authors, and more. What’s more, IIT Madras’s renowned educator, Professor Merin Simi Raj, teaches this in-depth curriculum. 

Furthermore, the Introduction to World Literature program also furnishes course-end certificates to interested learners who sit for Swayam’s proctored exams. Upon clearing all the certification criteria and clearing the assessment, students can earn themselves an e-verifiable certificate to display their acquired knowledge in this subject.

The Highlights

  • Proctored certification test
  • IIT Madras faculty
  • Postgraduate-level studying
  • No prior knowledge/experience needed
  • Free enrolment
  • AICTE-approved FDP curriculum 
  • Elective learning for 12 weeks
  • E-verified certification provided
  • References and books mentioned
  • In-person assessment 
  • In-course assignments
  • Ongoing program 
  • Categories - Humanities and Social Sciences, English Studies

Programme Offerings

  • References and books stated
  • IIT Madras instructor
  • Elective studying
  • 12-week duration
  • E-verifiable certificates
  • No prerequisites
  • Postgraduate-level course
  • Curriculum assignments

Courses and Certificate Fees

Fees InformationsCertificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
INR 1000yesIIT Madras (IITM)
  • You don’t need to pay any Introduction to World Literature fees as this course is for free. 
  • However, you must pay Rs. 1,000 to register and appear for the Introduction to World Literature certification test.

Introduction to World Literature fee structure

Course type

Total fees (in INR)

Introduction to World Literature 


Introduction to World Literature certification examination


Eligibility Criteria

The Introduction to World Literature online course welcomes students from any background and requires no prior knowledge for enrolment.

Furthermore, students looking to avail of the Introduction to World Literature certification must register for Swayam’s proctored test, score 30/75 or more in it, and 10/25 or more in their learning assignments.

What you will learn

Knowledge of history

Aspirants who complete the Introduction to World Literature training will possess significant knowledge about the following areas of global literature: -

  • The classics 
  • Indian literature
  • Excerpts from novels
  • Short stories
  • African-American literature
  • New genres
  • Prose
  • Contemporary authors
  • American and English literature
  • Women writers
  • Literature in translation

Who it is for

The Introduction to World Literature online course entails no prior requirements and welcomes all interested aspirants who wish to learn about this subject.

Admission Details

  • - Check the Introduction to World Literature program page via this link.
  • After reading through all the course information, select ‘Sign-in/Register’. 
  • If you’re already a Swayam user, fill in your account details to log in. If not, start your account by providing the on-screen information, or using your Microsoft/Facebook/Google ID.
  • Click on ‘send verification code’ once done. 
  • Swayam will provide the account verification code on your registered email. Use it to activate your profile and start learning once the training commences.

Application Details

The Introduction to World Literature online course entails no admission forms. Instead, you can directly log in through an existing Swayam ID, or create one with your email, username, and password. If you have a Facebook, Google, or Microsoft account, you can also use it to register.

The Syllabus


  • Don Quixote 
  • Beowulf 
  • Arabian Nights

Indian literature
  • Tagore 
  • Kamala Das 
  • Kalidasa 
  • Rushdie

Literature in translation
  • Akutagawa’s In a Grove Borges’ Garden of Forking Paths Manto’s Toba Tek Singh

Excerpts from novels and short stories
  • Borges 
  • Marquez 
  • Tolstoy 
  • Calvino 
  • Flaubert

  • Poetry Dover Beach
  • Wasteland
  • Song of Lawino

  • Drama Ibsen’s Doll’s House Shakespeare’s Othello

  • African-American literature
  • Toni Morrison,Achebe’s Things Fall Apart
  • Everyday Use by Alice Walker

English and American literature
  • Arnold’s Dover Beach
  • Eliot’s Wasteland,Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily

Women writers
  • Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko 
  • Gilman’s Yellow Wallpaper

Prose (non-fiction) and critical theory
  • Aristotle’s Poetics,Barthes’ Death of the author
  • Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own 
  • Kolodny’s Dancing through the minefield

  • Contemporary writers and new genres

Evaluation process

Swayam will conduct the Introduction to World Literature certification exam (proctored) on a date mentioned on the portal, via two sessions at their designated centers. To receive certificates, students must fill up the registration application when Swayam provides them, and pay the test fees. 

The program’s final score will be the sum of a candidate’s examination score and their average assignment marks (the eight best out of a total of 12). To obtain the certificate, learners must maintain >=10/25 marks in their assessments and >=30/75 in the proctored evaluation. Failing to do so, they won’t receive certification even if they score >=40/100.


IIT Madras (IITM) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Can I verify the Introduction to World Literature certificate?

Yes. You can verify your certification through this -

2: Who is the instructor?

IIT Madras’s Professor, Merin Simi Raj, will deliver this course.

3: What prior knowledge must I have to enroll in this certification?

You don’t require any prior experience in this subject to gain admission.

4: Can I appear for the examinations online?

No. Swayam will conduct the proctored tests at their designated centers only.

5: Is there any reference material for this syllabus?

Yes. Swayam will mention all the references and books to follow for this course.



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