Hello hello ,
I hope you are absolutely fine and doing well in your studies. As per your mentioned query, the NTA will release the exam pattern on its official website. The exam will be conducted online mode. There are four sections of the exam.
I am mentioning a link where you can find the complete exam pattern. Here , it is :
I hope this will be helpful for you !!
what is the structure of CAT exam pattern?
Hii There,
Candidates should review the exam pattern and curriculum to become familiar with the test format, question types, and examination structure before beginning their CAT preparation for MBA. The CAT 2023 exam pattern can be thought of as the framework or arrangement of the test. It provides information on the test’s duration, the total number of questions, the test format, the scoring system, the number of sections, etc. The CAT exam design and material may change, although it is anticipated to be very similar to the exam pattern from the previous year.
To get detailed information visit the following link:
I hope this answers your question.
Thanking you
What is NMAT..and how different it is from other exams..CAT..GMAT..XAT.?? Any extra info regarding this highly appreciated.
What is the exam pattern for the OUAT PG exam?
The OUAT PG exam will be of 200 multiple-choice questions. There will be 180 general multiple-choice questions (Non-crop specific) in part- A section and 40 crop-specific (Field crop and Horticultural crops in equal proportion) questions in part- B section. The time duration of the entrance exam is 2 hours.
What is the Tamil Nadu 10th Syllabus 2023 Exam Pattern?
Along with the TN 10th syllabus, the DGE set the format for 10th-class examinations. It shows that each exam will be worth 100 marks and will take 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete.
What is the exam pattern of the TANCET MBA?
The TANCET MBA examination is based on previous trends. The exam pattern consists of 100 questions divided into 5 sections for a 2-hour duration examination. The sections are Business Situations, Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Ability, Data Sufficiency, and English Usage. The question paper for other programs will be divided into three parts Engineering Mathematics, Basic Engg. & Sciences or based on the specific discipline.