Which topics of bsc zoology in Deen Dayal Upadhaya College are same as in upsc zoology optional?
Hello dear student !
The syllabus of zoology honours in Deen dayal upadhyay college (DU) is very nicely designed and is very helpful for future exams. In UPSC, almost every topic and part is important. The syllabus of UPSC covers almost all the subjects of the syllabus of zoology honours. Some of the important topics are Chordata , non-chordata, biochemistry, physiology, cell biology , developmental biology , evolutionary biology , ecology . These all are very important for UPSC.
Hope this will help you
All the best
How much of class XI and XII syllabus comes in VITEEE? Can you give me important topics from each?
How much of class 11 and 12 syllabus comes in JEE Main? Can you give me important topics from each?
major topics of biotechnology in jnu ceed entrance exam
The Jawaharlal Nehru University Combined Entrance Exam for Biotechnology (JNU CEEB) is a national level examination which is conducted every year for the applicants of postgraduate who wish to study MSc Biotechnology, MSc Agricultural Biotechnology and MVSc, and MTech Biotechnology. A combined entrance examination for Biotechnology is conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru University in order to offer admission to aspirants in Biotechnology programs offered by the varsity as well as its partaking colleges.
The Major topics of biotechnology in jnu ceed entrance exam are as follows:
Plant Biotech ,
Animal Biotech ,
Environmental Biotech ,
Molecular Biology ,
Genetic Engineering,
All the best
tell me about important topics for neet 2020
Dear Aspirant
Here you can find all the important topics for neet 2020
Current electricity
Moving charge and magnetism
Rotational motion
Laws of motion
Chemical bonding and molecular structure
Carbonyl compounds
S and p block
Coordination compounds
Plant diversity
Genetics and biotechnology
Cell biology and cell division
Human physiology
Origin and evolution
Animal diversity
There is a link mentioned below where you can find other additional information regarding neet 2020
Thank you
All the very best
TOPICS to be studied for biology other than NCERT for NEET 2020
Dear Aspirant,
Preparation for NEET Biology allows an applicant to be rigorous with the NCERT, as the biology curriculum and questions are almost entirely based on it. Applicants undertaking NEET Biology training must understand the concepts included in the syllabus and review the questions on the basis of their submission. Analysis of the previous year's NEET question papers revealed that the difficulty level of the question paper has increased over the years.
Candidates studying for NEET Biology must be aware of the fact that the syllabus of the topic is broad and requires a deep understanding. The biology section consists of 38 chapters of Class 11 and Class 12 curriculum combined. It is necessary for candidates to break up the syllabus into smaller sections in order to prepare for NEET Biology and also to have knowledge of important topics so that the time of study can be dedicated accordingly. For the reference purpose of the candidates, a detailed description of the syllabus and the topics of importance among them has been provided here.
Based on the weighting and frequency of questions over the years, important topics for the preparation of NEET Biology can be categorised as:
Genetics and Evolution
Physiology – Plant and Human
Reproduction – Flowering Plants and Human
Diversity in Living Organisms
Structural Organisation in Living Organisms
Cell Structure and Function
A successful study plan goes a long way, especially when it comes down to planning for NEET Biology to keep the entire curriculum in perspective. Based on the importance of the subjects, the time for each subject in the NEET syllabus must be allocated. It is also critical that one adheres to the study schedule and makes adjustments as one progresses.
Choosing NEET exam books is the most important part of the preparation of NEET Biology. The efficiency of the tools that are used for planning is expressed in the ranking. In the view of many toppers and experts, the NCERT will form the basis for one's comprehension of concepts. However, in order to refine the training, aspirants must also seek to include the books mentioned below in their NEET Biology preparation.
Biology Vol 1 and Vol 2 by Trueman
Objective Biology by Dinesh
Objective Botany by Ansari
Pradeep Guide on Biology
Objective NCERT at Your Fingertips by MTG
Summarise your research in the form of maps or tables that will serve as a simple revision tool in the run-up to the exam days. Using personal keywords to remember will prove to be the most useful. Please try and include important applications and examples in these charts.
Aspirants studying biology for NEET 2020 must cultivate the habit of intense practice. Learning concepts in theory can only be applied by experience. A number of NEET review papers and the previous year's question papers should be addressed in order to gain an understanding of the pattern of questions that will be asked.
The National Testing Agency is to set up practice centers across the country in a variety of locations so that candidates can undergo online testing. Aspirants should therefore take as many mock tests as possible to improve their readiness for NEET Biology.
For order to reap the proper benefits of learning and training, one should keep updating at regular intervals. It means that whatever has been learned stays fresh in mind. Applicants should make it a point to review the entire syllabus several times before the exams in order to be in-depth with each definition included in each subject. Daily review also allows one to keep track of the progress of the report.
For more tips, visit: https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/how-prepare-for-neet-biology
Hope this helps. All the best!
may i know that what topics we should ex phy che bio i dint get please describe it thanks and regards Himanshu maurya
At first you should mention the exam for what you want to know the topics. Because every examination have its various syllabus.
You please mention your examination in the comment section.
Hope for the best.
Thank you.
What is the most important topics should I prepare for appearing NEET 2020?
The Syllabus for Physics Includes:
Physical World and Measurement
Laws of Motion
Work, Energy and Power
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid body
Properties of Bulk Matter
Behaviour of perfect gas and kinetic theory
Oscillation of waves
Current Electricity
Magnetic effects of current and magnetism
Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents
Electromagnetic waves
Dual Nature of matter and radiation
Atoms and nuclei
Electronic devices
Best Books:
NCERT Physics Class XI & Class XII
Concepts of Physics by H. C. Verma
Objective Physics By DC Pandey
Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker
Fundamental Physics by Pradeep
Problems in General Physics by IE Irodov
Preparation tips:
Physics needs utmost focus and time because it involves with theoretical concepts and numbers. There should be a systematic approach in preparing for NEET. The important topics are Mechanics, ElectroDynamics, Modern Physics, Heat and Thermodynamics, Optics, Simple Harmonic Motion, Waves. Formulae form an integral part of your preparation. Memorise as many formulae as you can and write them down and stick them as post its so that you can always see them. Practise regularly and try various kinds of questions. Solving previous papers and mock tests to test your improvement. Keep a clock and check the time its taking you to solve these questions. And improve the time as you practise more. One day of the week should be set aside for revision so as to keep the mind fresh. For reading what the toppers and experts have to say, please visit our page at: https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/how-prepare-for-neet-physics/amp
Syllabus for Chemistry Includes:
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Structure of Atom
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
State of Matter: Gases and Liquids
S-block Element
Some p-block Elements
Organic Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry
Chemical Kinetics
Surface Chemistry
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
D and F Block Elements
Coordination Compounds
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Biomolecules, Polymers and Chemistry in Everyday life
Chemistry Best Books:
NCERT Chemistry textbooks for Class XI and XII
Physical Chemistry by OP Tandon
ABC of Chemistry for Classes 11 and 12 by Modern
Concise Inorganic Chemistry by JD Lee
Dinesh Chemistry Guide
Practise books by VK Jaiswal, MS Chauhan and N Awasthi
Preparation tips:
Chemistry is divided into Inorganic, Physical and Organic chemistry. For inorganic chemistry, you must refer to the NCERT. Organic comprises of many reactions and reagents which can be practised by writing over and over again. Physical chemistry requires a comparatively deeper understanding of concepts, so preparing with the NCERT and referring to study material a level higher than NCERT should be the way to go. For more information, please visit our page at:
Syllabus for Biology includes:
Diversity in Living world
Structural Organization in Animal and Plants
Cell Structure and Function
Plant Physiology
Human Physiology
Genetics and Evolution
Biology and Human Welfare
Biotechnology and its applications
Ecology and Environment
Biology Best Books:
NCERT Biology Class XI and Class XII textbooks
Biology Vol 1 and Vol 2 by Trueman
Objective Biology by Dinesh
Objective Botany by Ansari
Pradeep Guide on Biology
GR Bathla publications for Biology
Preparation tips:
Biology is the biggest section in NEET, comprising about half of the exam, and acing this subject can help you in scoring more in the exam. Human Physiology and Genetics have maximum weightage in NEET. It is advisable to practise questions of Genetics from previous year question papers, which will give you a thorough understanding of how the questions are being asked. Topics of Plant and Animal kingdom have a lot of portion to memorize. You can prepare these topics by making a comparative table for the sub-topics and studying it together. Plant physiology is also equally important and easy to score. For more tips, please visit our page at:
Also please visit our page for important Chapters and their weightage: https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/neet-chapter-wise-weightage-and-important-topics/amp
Topics to be covered first to get 100+ in Chem neet 2020,only 3 months left
The topics for chemistry for 2020 Neet can be further subdivided into three parts:
1) organic chemistry
2) Inorganic chemistry
3) physical chemistry
You should give importance to all the reactions which happens in organic chemistry. The named reactions are pretty much important and they should be byroted.
Questions from inorganic chemistry can be answered by plain and intelligent meaning of the NCERT textbook.
Physical chemistry the path from which word problems come so you should formulas and techniques to solve these questions.
Hope this helps.
which important topics should I prepare ist, for jnu MA political science entrance exam?
Some of the important topics for JNU MA Political Science entrance exam are mentioned below:
1. Political Theory and Thought
2. Indian Government and Politics
3. Comparative Politics and Political Analysis
4. Bureaucracy and Public Administration
5. International Relations
Hope this answer helps!