Acc. to answer key Im 560 marks in neet 2022.Which government seat can i get in state counselling and all india counselling in MBBS
Dear aspirant
Always mention your category and state quota name when you write query related to NEET.
As your profile suggest your are from Rajasthan so hope this is your domicile state and you belong to Gen category.
Rajasthan State quota counseling cut off marks for Gen category was 631 marks in first round but is decreased sharply and 610 marks was cut off marks in second round counseling of NEET 2021. Now if we talk about neet 2020 then cut off marks was 617 marks for Gen category upto second round of counseling.
AIl india quota counseling cut off marks for Gen category in neet 2021 was almost around 600+ marks.
So if we compare your marks to both state quota counseling cut off marks and AIQ cut off marks then you are almost 40-50 marks behind,so it will be hard for you to get govt MBBS college in rajasthan or other states through AIQ.
At your expected marks you will be able to get only private MBBS college.
You will also get govt BAMS or BHMS college at your expected marks and sometimes you might get BDS also in stray vaccancy round in AIQ counseling.
you can check previous year cutoff marks for Gen category in rajsthan state quota counseling from link below
Predict your admission chances in MBBS / BDS / Ayush seats,use our neet college predictor tool from link below
Hope this was informative for you
All the best
I am getting 526 marks in NEET UG 2022 which college should I choose during all India counselling in ESIC quota under OBC category in Tamil Nadu
Good Afternoon
Hope you are fine..
As per you query you are scoring 526 marks in NEET 2022 and you belongs to OBC Category, there are very less chances to get Government MBBS seat if you apply for 15% AIQ but you have chances to get MBBS seat in 85% State Quota as we all know NEET 2022 was conducted on 17th July 2022 so your expected all India rank will be in the range of 60855 - 68444
from previous year data and Counselling you have chances in MBBS course in following Medical college in Tamil Nadu through State Quota:
-> Annapoorna Medical College and Hospital, Salem
NEET Marks: 430
-> Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore
NEET Marks: 531
-> Chengalpattu Medical College
NEET Marks: 507
-> Madras Medical College, Chennai
NEET Marks: 587
-> Stanley Medical College, Chennai
NEET Marks: 557
Note that this marks are expected and may vary for NEET 2022.
To Get more accurate prediction for MBBS colleges from your rank and marks checkout know from given link below:
Hope you found it helpful
All the best!!!
I have 11871 air in Neet mds 2021. I want pediatric dentistry can I get pediatric dentistry seat through all India counselling and state counselling if yes what are the chances
Dear student,
As cut-offs changes from year to year, it is difficult to predict Colleges you can get Pediatric Dentistry course, cut-offs depends on many factors like n umber of seats available, c aste category, nu mber of students appeared in the exam, di fficulty level of the exam, etc.
You can predict Colleges you can get Pediatric Dentistry course for your NEET MDS rank using below mentioned College Predictor Tool.
Predict Colleges you can get for your NEET MDS rank, use below given College Predictor Tool which is designed by experts out of their experience and considering previous year's cut-off trends.
I hope this helps you.
Good Luck!!
my neet pg 2022 rank is 28k what are my clinical options in all India counselling and state wise counselling ( self financing colleges), mostly looking for tamilnadu and karnataka states ?
Dear student,
Cut-offs changes from year to year and depends on many factors like Caste Category of the students, Number of seats available, Difficulty level of NEET PG exam, N umber of students appeared in NEET PG exam, etc.
For checking the possibility of getting seat you can use College Predictor Tool which is given below.
You can predict Colleges based on your NEET PG score using below mentioned College Predictor Tool.
Go through below mentioned article related to NEET PG cut-offs.
I hope this information helps.
All The Best!!
is mcc started refund the security deposit of neet all india counselling 2021 ???
Hello Aspirant,
Till now MCC has not released any notice regarding the initiation of refund of security deposit so you have to wait until the NCC releases any notification for the same. However MCC would soon initiate the refunds as instructed in the information bulletin the refund will be initiated once the counselling process gets concluded so now it is concluded and therefore now anytime refund might be initiated.
Kindly wait for it.
Good Luck!!!
did u get any updates about veterinary all india counselling 2021.
No, as of now, there's no update regarding the AIPVT counselling schedule , the registration date for counselling etc so for updates you can keep an eye on the official website for which link is provided below
Or alternately follow our page at:-
Here's a brief of AIPVT counselling:-
-----------) First of all you need to register yourself by visiting the official website of AIPVT i. e and then paying the counselling fee
-----------) Choice filling :- You need to choose the colleges you want to get admission in and then lock your choices
-----------) Round 1 seat allotment result publication
-----------) if you get a seat then you can report to the alloted college or can go for free exit option if you don't want to get admission in the alloted college.
-----------) Vacant Seats publication for round 2.
-----------) Fresh filling of choice for round 2
-----------) If you get a seat then you need to report to the alloted college or you can choose not to report if you don't want to get admission in the alloted college but in this case you won't get your security money back .
-----------) After round 2, there's mop up round for the leftover seats .
You can participate in AIPVT counselling only if you have qualified in NEET 2021 examination
For your reference,
Neet 2021 qualifying cutoff for different categories is :-
Category cut off percentile Cut off marks
General/ EWS 50th 720-138
General-PH 45th 137-122
SC 40th 137-108
ST 40th 137-108
OBC 40th 137-108
SC/ST/OBC-PH 40th 121-108
You can check the same at
Similar is the process of state counselling, it's just that for that you need to register with the official website of your state. Some states like Rajasthan doesn't accept neet for BVSC as they have their own entrance examination for bvsc state quota seats i. e RPVT in case of Rajasthan.
We don't have veterinary college predictor, but in case, if you have interest in MBBS, BDS or Ayush courses then,
To help you in counselling, we have neet college predictor for you for which link is given below:-
It gives you a personalized report with top college in which you have chances for admission , with the help of predicted colleges you can make better choice while filling your choices of colleges during your counselling and grab a seat.
did veterinary all india counselling dates out 2021.if s plz share me the link.
Hello Aspirant,
Till now VCI has not released any dates for All India counselling for B.V.Sc. course but few days back a notice was released according to which the last date of admission to BVSc. and AH course in the recognized veterinary colleges are now changed from February 28th 2022 to April 15th 2022. So the counselling is expected to begin soon but till now there is no any notice of dates for commencement of counselling.
You can check out the notice form the link given below :-
You can check out complete information from the official website as given below :-
or you can also check out our article :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
did veterinary all india counselling started.
Hello Aspirant,
No, not yet . Till now VCI has not started the All India counselling for B.V.Sc. course nor released any dates but few days back a notice was released according to which the last date of admission to BVSc. and AH course in the recognized veterinary colleges are now changed from February 28th 2022 to April 15th 2022. So the counselling is expected to begin soon but till now there is no any notice of dates for commencement of counselling.
You can check out the notice form the link given below :-
You can check out complete information from the official website as given below :-
or you can also check out our article :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
NO Seat alloted to me in round 1 and 2 in neet all india counselling 2021 so now what happen to security deposit it will forfeit or refund back?
Hello aspirant,
As you have not alloted any seat in Round 1 and Round 2 of All India Quota State Counselling, then your security deposit amount will be refunded.
But your Registration Fees will not be refunded. Candidates who did not alloted any seat or did not report the Colleges in Round 1 are eligible for refund of the Security Deposit. Candidates who have alloted seat and want to exit then they have to opt for Exit with Forfeiture.
You can visit their official website for more details about it.
For more information about All India Quota NEET UG Counselling, go through below mentioned link.
I hope this information was useful to you.
Best of Luck!!
sir i got air 17460 in neet ug what are chance that i can get college through all india counselling ? which colleges i should take ?
Dear aspirant,
As you have mentioned you have secured 17.4k in neet 2021 ug and considering you as a general category so let me tell you that there are various factors that needs to considered like number of candidates appearing in the examination, number of vacant seats in college, previous years cut offs and difficulty level of the paper.
But on the other hand I would recommend you to keep other colleges as a back up.
For more information you can check out the link given below-