if I get seat in state counselling...can i resign the seat from all india counselling...after that will the paid fees will be refunded and what about the security fees
First of all I would like to tell you that only security money is refundable and not the counselling fee
Institution Type |
Category |
Counselling Fee (Non-Refundable) |
Security Fee (Refundable) |
15% AIQ/ Central Universities |
UR |
Rs. 1,000 |
Rs. 10,000 |
Rs. 500 |
Rs. 5,000 |
Deemed Universities |
All Categories |
Rs. 5000 |
Rs. 2,00,000 |
If you are allotted a seat in both state counselling and all India counselling and you accept state counselling seat and reject the seat allotted to you through all India counselling then whether you will get your security money or not depends upon the round in which you are allotted a seat in the all India counselling.
- 1st case) if you are allotted a seat in all India counselling in the first round then there is free exit it means even if you reject or don't accept the seat alloted to you in the round one you will get your security money back
- 2 case) if you are allotted a seat in any round other than first round in all India counselling and you don't accept the seat then your security money will get forfieted and you won't get it back.
Thank you
when will BVSC All India counselling start?
Dear aspirant,
Counselling for Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry is conducted by The Veterinary Council of India (VCI). It conducts AIPVT 2021 counselling for admission into Bachelor of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry course in their official website vcicounseling.nic.in. AIPVT seat matrix 2021, there are total 607 B.V.Sc seats under 15% All India Quota which will be filled through VCI counselling. Candidates who qualified NEET exam are only eligible for counselling. Councelling will be conducted in two rounds and mop-up round will be conducted in case of seats are left vacant.
Tentative dates are given below.
Round 1: Publication of seats: Third week of July, 2022
Round 1: Online Registration Choice Filling: In fourth week of July, 2022
Round 2: Vacant Seat Publications done by: First week of August, 2022
Mop-up Round: Vacant Seat Publications done by: Third week of August, 2022
I hope this information will help you
Best of Luck!!
if i am alloted a seat in 2nd round all india counselling in dental college and i donot want to join it then can i participate in mopup round of aiq?
Hi reader ,
if you are alloted a BDS seat in second round of ALL INDIA counselling and you donot want to take admission then your security money will be fortified for that round and you will have to register again in the mopup round for participation.
if you report to the college then you will not be able to further participate in next round of counselling.
i hope this helps
for knowing your chances of getting a college you can refer
thank you
in neet pg 2021 counseling will we be eligible for deemed university counselling once we are alloted a seat in all india counselling but we dont take that seat ?
Hello Aspirant,
Yes, you will be suitable for deemed universities by selecting this preference during the second session of seat distribution.
A new alternative picking will be there and preferences established in the 1st session will be ministered as null and void.
Hence, if you didn't accept the seat bestowed to you on the first session and selected deemed univ. in the second session, you are desirable for deemed universities.
There will be 2 additional sessions of nomination.
- Mop-up sessions are administered exclusively for deemed univ. and central univ. for 100% of their seats.
- Stray vacancy round nomination will be at the solitary deemed univ. level.
I hope it helps. Thank you.
how can I get paid seat quota in all India counselling Ayush counselling2022
Hello Aspirant,
See there is no any paid quota or management quota in NEET UG AIQ counselling so if you are seeking seat through Management or Private quota then you should appear for the state quota counselling for AYUSH courses.
In AIQ AYUSH counselling there is no any kind of quota such as Government or private, there is only reservation quota for categories like SC/ST/OBC/EWS as prescribed by Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.
You can check out complete information from the link given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
How many chances are there of my getting an admission in Pacific medical college and hospital udaipur via all India counselling??
Pacific MC & Hospital, Udaipur is a Private Medical College in Rajasthan. You cannot get seat in Private Medical Colleges through All India Quota Counseling. You need to participate in NEET State Counseling of Rajasthan to get a seat in the college mentioned in the query.
Also according to previous year data for State counseling, following were the cut off for various categories -
• Government Quota Seat -
- General Category - AIR - 679585, Marks - 147
- SC Category - AIR - 484226, Marks -217
- OBC Category - AIR - 800532, Marks -116
-EWS Category - AIR -640062, Marks -159
• Management Quota Seat -
- cut off All India Rank (AIR) - 672867, Marks - 149
For more information about the colleges you would be expecting for your NEET 2021 score you can click on the following link -
The college predictor gives you a detailed report of all the top colleges that you have a fair chance for getting admission in. And from this suggested colleges list you are in a better position to make right decision while filling the choices of colleges during the Counseling process.
Also check out the MBBS companion - It is helpful for the Counseling & Admission process with Webinar sessions along with the college prediction for All India, Central, Deemed & State counseling.
I hope you find the answer helpful
Thank you.
can i correct my all india counselling 2021 form before paying feees??
Hi reader ,
in the process of form filling for ALL INDIA COUNSELLING there are various steps where you need to fill the information.
once you get through each one of them you can see the option of view/edit application.
so before payment you can edit your form.
after you have paid your fee , MCC had made a provision of unlock registration for people to correct the type of counselling they want to take part in if they had chose any wrong option.
ii hope this helps
for knowing your chances of getting a college you can refer
thank you
which College can I get in neet 2021 all India counselling gen ews category in 322 marks
Hello Aspirant,
See it is quite difficult to help you with the exact list of colleges as the counselling is yet to be conducted and the cut-offs keep on changing every year but yes we can provide you the list of colleges that you can get based on previous years cut-off data.
So on such marks you have very low or almost no chances to get any of the government medical/dental colleges under AIQ counselling . But on such score you can go for some Deemed Institutions through AIQ counselling, so as per the previous years data you can go for following deemed institutions through AIQ counselling :-
JLN Medical College, Datta Meghe, Wardha:- 239 marks
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and RI, Puducherry:- 231 marks
Saveetha Medical College, Chennai:- 265 marks
Dr. DYP Edu. Soc. Deemed Uni., Kolhapur:- 262 marks
Vinayaka Missions Medical College and Hospital, Karaikal:- 257 marks
Krishna Institute of Medical Sc., Karad:- 253 marks
Or if you want to take a drop and prepare for NEET 2022 then to help you in your preparation we have some resources which you can access from the link given below :-
Note that the above prediction is made on the basis of previous year's cut-off and the cut-offs are bound to change every year depending upon various factors such as the number of candidates appearing in an examination, the number of candidates qualifying an examination, difficulty level of the paper, and so on.
To have a list of all those colleges which you can get based upon your marks, category, and state you can use NEET College Predictor because it will make you comfortable while choice filling in counselling :-
NEET 2021 Cut-off goes like :-
-->>> General - 50th percentile - 720-138 marks
-->>> SC/ST/OBC - 40th percentile - 137-108 marks
-->>> General-PwD - 45th percentile - 137-122 marks
-->>> SC/ST/OBC-PwD - 40th percentile - 121-108 marks
You can check out complete details regarding NEET qualifying cut-offs from the link given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
what is registration fee for neet all India and state counselling
Registration Fees for NEET UG Counselling -
1. 15% All India Quota Seats (Central Universities) -
- General (Unreserved Category) - Rs. 1,000 Counselling Fee (Non Refundable) + Rs. 10,000 Security Fee (Refundable)
- SC/ST/OBC/PWD Category - Rs. 500 Counselling Fee (Non Refundable) + Rs. 5,000 Security Fee (Refundable)
2. Deemed Universities -
- All Categories - Rs. 500 Counselling Fee (Non Refundable) + Rs. 2,00,000 Security Fee (Refundable)
3. State Counselling (Andhra Pradesh, based on your Profile) -
- Unreserved (G e neral) Category and BC Categor y - Rs. 3,950
- Reserved Catego r y - Rs. 2,950
To get complete details regarding NEET UG (All India) Counselling, you may visit the link - NEET 2021 Counselling FAQs - Registration (Started), All India Quota, State Quota & Others (careers360.com)
To get complete details regarding Andhra Pradesh MBBS Counselling, you may visit the link - AP MBBS Admission 2021 - Notification, Application Form, Merit List, Seats (careers360.com)
To predict what all MBBS Colleges you can get with your NEET UG Rank, you may use NEET UG College Predictor Tool - https://medicine.careers360.com/neet-college-predictor
To get complete assistance during MBBS Counselling, you may check out the link - MBBS Companion | Guiding you in MBBS Planning and right College selection (careers360.com)
Can I get admission in private dental college in Maharashtra through state counselling with 275 marks or should I apply for deemed universities through all india counselling?
Hello Aspirant,
Since you have not mentioned your category so considering it as general.
See it is quite difficult to help you with the exact list of colleges as the counselling is yet to be conducted and the cut-offs keep on changing every year but yes we can provide you the list of colleges that you can get based on previous years cut-off data.
So on such marks you have very low or almost no chances to get any of the private dental colleges under state quota counselling of Maharashtra because the cut-offs go around 300+ for General category . But on such score you can go for some Deemed Institutions through AIQ counselling, so as per the previous years data you can go for following deemed institutions through AIQ counselling :-
Saveetha Medical College, Chennai:- 265 marks
Dr. DYP Edu. Soc. Deemed Uni., Kolhapur:- 262 marks
Vinayaka Missions Medical College and Hospital, Karaikal:- 257 marks
Krishna Institute of Medical Sc., Karad:- 253 marks
JLN Medical College, Datta Meghe, Wardha:- 239 marks
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and RI, Puducherry:- 231 marks
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, Kancheepuram:- 215 marks
Or if you want to take a drop and prepare for NEET 2022 then to help you in your preparation we have some resources which you can access from the link given below :-
You can check out previous year's cut-offs from the link given below :-
NEET 2021 cutoff Maharashtra - Check college and category-wise cutoff (careers360.com)
Note that the above prediction is made on the basis of previous year's cut-off and the cut-offs are bound to change every year depending upon various factors such as the number of candidates appearing in an examination, the number of candidates qualifying an examination, difficulty level of the paper, and so on.
To have a list of all those colleges which you can get based upon your marks, category, and state you can use NEET College Predictor because it will make you comfortable while choice filling in counselling :-
NEET 2021 Cut-off goes like :-
-->>> General - 50th percentile - 720-138 marks
-->>> SC/ST/OBC - 40th percentile - 137-108 marks
-->>> General-PwD - 45th percentile - 137-122 marks
-->>> SC/ST/OBC-PwD - 40th percentile - 121-108 marks
You can check out complete details regarding NEET qualifying cut-offs from the link given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!