if I get any seat allotment in mcc round 3 , 2022 can i cancel the seat later
Hello Aspirant,
Yes you can cancel it but note that if you cancel your allotted seat in round 3rd i.e. the mop-up round then you will have to forfeit your security deposit because free exit is only allowed prior to round 2nd and now if you take an exit or cancel your allotted seat then you will be penalized with your security deposit. So if you are ready to lose it then you can cancel the seat. Otherwise you should not lose the seat until and unless it is not as per your needs.
You can check out complete information brochure from the link given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
Today mcc mop up round registration was open till 11:55 am and the time for payment was 11:55 PM? i opened the site at 13:00 i was unable to register! it is my last chance to register & take admission what can i do?😭
Hello Student
The time schedule for mop up round registration was 11.55 am and the time schedule for fee submission was 11.55pm but you have opened the site at 13 -00 hours. You have one hour late for submission of fees for this reason the website or the portal has not B been taking your submission of pay. For following the delay of time schedule for submission of pay you are unable to reach the site seated been closed for the day there is any disturbance in the processing of server. Pardesi have to wait or or contact personally with the authority e of the counselling for pasting yourself and for the payment of fees forestation and etc.
Hope this will help.
which best colleges can I apply for bds in mcc ?
Hello Aspirant,
First of all the best college whichever suits depends upon the marks you have scored in NEET UG because BDS seats are allotted through counselling only on the basis of NEET UG score.
However some top colleges for BDS that take part in NEET UG AIQ counselling for which you can apply through MCC are enlisted below :-
IMS BHU - Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University
KGMU Lucknow - King George's Medical University
GDCH Ahmedabad - Government Dental College and Hospital
Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai
JMI New Delhi - Jamia Millia Islamia
RIMS Ranchi - Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences
NTRUHS Vijayawada - Dr NTR University of Health Sciences
Government Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai
Government Dental College and Hospital, Hyderabad
Rajah Muthiah Dental College and Hospital, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar
Government Dental College and Research Institute, Bangalore
Tamilnadu Government Dental College, Chennai
MAIDS New Delhi - Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences
Regional Dental College, Guwahati
Dr R Ahmed Dental College and Hospital, Kolkata
For complete list refer to the link given below :-
For complete list of all BDS colleges taking part in NEET UG AIQ counselling, you can check out the official website of MCC as given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
how to apply for government seats of deemed universities in neet mcc round3
Hello Aspirant,
See for this year there are no government seats in Deemed universities and even there is no any provision of government seats in deemed universities but according to the new policy to be implemented by NMC jointly with GoI "the private medical colleges and deemed universities shall charge fees for 50% of its total sanctioned seats on a par with government medical colleges in that State/Union Territory. "
And as per the notification released by NMC few days back the new policy will be implement in private medical colleges and deemed universities from session 2023-24 means those who will be appearing for NEET UG 2023 and will be taking admission in 2023 will be benefited with this policy.
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
Suppose I give NEET and got around 550 marks. I registered myself on MCC for MBBS. I then got to know that cutoff for medical seats are higher than the marks I got. So, can I change and get a BDS seat that year only? (Category-> GN-UR)
Hello Aspirant,
See you cannot change the option amid counselling but you can change it while registering for any specific round of NEET UG AIQ counselling. So before registering for counselling it is recommended that one should go through previous year's cut-off so that he/sje can get idea of cut-offs and according can fill the colleges as his her preferences in counselling form.
Through AIQ counselling seats are allotted in following categories :-
>>> 15% MBBS/BDS Seats of States
>>> 100% MBBS/BDS Seats of BHU
>>> 100% MBBS Seats of AIIMS across India
>>> All India Quota of JIPMER (Puducherry/ Karaikal)
>>> All India Quota seats of AMU/ DU/ VMMC/ ABVIMS
>>> All India Quota Seats of Faculty of Dentistry (Jamia Milia Islamia)
>>> All India Quota Seats of ESIC
You can also visit our article for regular updates and complete information regarding NEET counselling :-
To have a list of all those colleges which you can get based upon your marks, category, and state you can use NEET College Predictor because it will make you comfortable while choice filling in counselling :-
You can check out complete details regarding NEET qualifying cut-offs from the link given below :-
If you want to prepare further for NEET UG then to help you in your preparation we have some resources which you can access from the link given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
when is mcc round 3 registration. how can I apply to that? kindly informe me Indetail
Hello Aspirant,
NEET UG AIQ Counselling will be conducted for third/mop-up round as per the updated schedule given below :-
- Registration/Payment - March 10 to 14, 2022, till 12 noon
- Choice Filling & locking - March 11 to 14, 2022, till 11:55 PM
- Processing of seat allotment - March 17 and 18, 2022
- Result - March 19, 2022
- Reporting to allotted colleges - March 20 to 27, 2022
You can apply from the official website as given below :-
When you visit the above link there you will see the button for Online Registration, just click on it (on or after March 10th, because currently application window is closed) and there whatever details will be asked to you after logging-in using your NEET UG 202 registration number and you will get enrolled for 3rd round of counselling i.e. also called as Mop-up round.
You can also visit our article for regular updates and complete information regarding NEET 2021 counselling :-
To have a list of all those colleges which you can get based upon your marks, category, and state you can use NEET College Predictor because it will make you comfortable while choice filling in counselling :-
If you want to prepare further for NEET 2022 then to help you in your preparation we have some resources which you can access from the link given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
lf I tried to log in mcc ug neet it shows that log in time over.lf I want to participate in round 3, is there any fresh registration and payment needed for deemed, because I skipped round two,but paid in round 1
Hello Aspirant,
See if you have not took an exit after round 1st then you won't be able to register again for NEET UG Mop-up round of AIQ counselling and also if you took an exit then kindly wait for the correction window to re-open because Mop-up round for AIQ NEET UG counselling will begin from March 10th 2022 and registration process will end on March 14th so if you have not registered yet or took an exit in earlier rounds then you need to register again as a fresh candidate with payment of full fee and if you are already registered but di not allotted any college then you don't need to register again.
However you can check out the complete list of institutions participating in NEET IG AIQ counselling from the official site itself, it is given below :-
AIQ Counselling will be conducted for mop-up round as per the updated schedule given below :-
- Registration/Payment - March 10 to 14, 2022, till 12 noon
- Choice Filling & locking - March 11 to 14, 2022, till 11:55 PM
- Processing of seat allotment - March 17 and 18, 2022
- Result - March 19, 2022
- Reporting to allotted colleges - March 20 to 27, 2022
You can also visit our article for regular updates and complete information regarding NEET 2021 counselling :-
To have a list of all those colleges which you can get based upon your marks, category, and state you can use NEET College Predictor because it will make you comfortable while choice filling in counselling :-
If you want to prepare further for NEET 2022 then to help you in your preparation we have some resources which you can access from the link given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
mcc round 3 registration dates. and also dates for registration fees payment?
The Mop up round the 3rd round of NEET 2021 counselling will start from March 10 to 14. You will have to pay the registration fees between March 10 to 14, 2022 itself. The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) has released the round 2 NEET 2021 counseling final result, February 26, 2022. Keep an eye on the official website or the link below for the latest information. NEET seat allotment 2021 will be done on the basis of NEET-UG rank, choices filled, seats available, reservation criteria and other factors.
when mcc round 3 registration strarts? I have got a information from careers360 that registration started from 28 feb -1 March . is that is true. I want to apply for round3 mcc registration. tell me the correct dates for Registration and registration fees payment dates.
No, The Mop up round the 3rd round of NEET 2021 counselling will start from March 10 to 14. The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) has released the round 2 NEET 2021 counseling final result, February 26, 2022. Keep an eye on the official website or the link below for the latest information. NEET seat allotment 2021 will be done on the basis of NEET-UG rank, choices filled, seats available, reservation criteria and other factors.
when is mcc round3 new registration and dates for registration fees payment
Dear aspirant hope you are doing well
The NEET UG All India Quota Counselling will start From 19 January 2022.
The whole schedule of the All India Quota Counseling is as following -
• 1st round counselling
- --- Registration/Payment of fees : - January 19 to 24, 2022 till 12 noon..
- Choice Filling/Locking : - January 20 to 24, 2022 till 11:55 pm..
- Processing of Seat Allotment - January 27 to 28, 2022
- ->> Result - January 29, 2022
- -->>Reporting - January 30 to February 4, 2022
• 2nd round counselling
- --- Registration/Payment of fees - February 16 to 21, 2022 till 12 noon
- ->> Choice Filling/Locking - February 17 to 21, 2022 till 11:55 pm
- ->>Processing of Seat Allotment : - February 24 to 25, 2022
- ->> Result - February 26, 2022
- ->> Reporting - February 27 to 5 March , 2022
• 3rd round (MOP UP Round)
- ->> Registration/Payment of Fees - March 10 to 14, 2022
- ->> Choice Filling/Locking March - 11 to 14, 2022
- ->> Processing of Seat Allotment - March 17to 18, 2022
- ->> Result - March 19, 2022
- ->> Reporting - March 20 to 27, 2022
• ROUND 4 (Online Stray Vacancy)
- ->> Processing of Seat Allotment - March 28, 2022
- ->> Result March 29, 2022 - 30th March
- ->> Reporting - 2022 to 4th April, 2022
For more details click on the link below
Hope it's helpful
Thank you