Am i elligible to apply for nta ugc net in environmental sciences with in chemistry?
Dear Anshumika ,
Yes, you are eligible to apply NTA UGC NET in environmental sciences after in Chemistry . Minimum eligibility criteria to apply for UGC NET is minimum 55% marks in your masters degree .There are 5% relaxation of marks for OBC/SC/ST castes .
Make sure that you have passed your masters or if you are in your final degree of M.Sc , you can provisionallly admitted but eligible for JRF or Asst prof, you should qualfy your M.Sc with min 55% marks .(For Gen) .
In subject choice case , if any candidate has zoology/botany/ chemistry / EVS in their M.Sc ,then they are eligible for applying UGC NET in EVS .
You can refer to this article for more information:
Hope it helps !!
Best wishes !!