i have called srm they said that exam will be from home pls clear it
Hi aspirant,
SRM college of sciences and technology has recently released the SRMJEE applications form through which candidate can apply for engineering courses across the campuses of the university. The examination will be held in three different phases with the choice of candidates to appear in one or more phases. The examination will be held in online remote proctored mode that means you can appear for the examination from your home only through your laptop or computer device. In the course of examination your webcam would be turned on and all your movements will be recorded and any type of malpractices can lead to termination of your candidature. Before last year examination were held in online mode at designated centres but due to rise of pandemic and the new variant of corona it has been decided that it will be held from Holmes only for the safety of students.
Hope it helps!!
Hello Aspirant ,
Yes, SRMJEE conducted by Sri Ramaswamy Memorial Institute of Science and Technology will be conducted online from your own home and not from center(like JEE or NEET) , exam will be of 2 and a half hour on January 8 or 9 (Phase 1).
You will be provided details about your exam in your mail and you will be giving exam on SRM website from your home. If you haven't got it yet please contact SRM administration.
For more details visit :
Hope this helps.
Hello Aspirant,
As far the information your mode of exam will be online, so you'll be giving the exam from home. The duration of the exam will be 2hours and 30minutes. I'll suggest you to get a good internet connection so that you don't to face any kind of problem in between the exam. Also the mode of councelling will be done offline.
Hope this helps!
All the best!