will I get cse in vellore with 54000 rank?
It's quite difficult to make prediction that whether you can cse or not because cut off /closing rank keeps changing every year depending upon various factors like :-
*number of students that appeared in the VITEEE exam,
*toughness level of the VITEEE examination .
*Availability of seat for different branches etc.
But yes,
When we go through previous year trend then,
-----------------------) With your mentioned rank, your chances of getting into CSE in VIT vellore is low.
For example,
In 2016, the closing rank in VIT Vellore for CSE was 7000.
But yes ,
You have some chances in VIT chennai for branches like :-
- Fashion Technology
For VITEEE cut off you can visit our page the link for the same is provided below :-