What is cmat and cat cutoff for nibm pune?? What are the reviews in detail??
Hi Chaitanya,
The cut-off for NIBM is expected to be around 75-80 in CAT.
Cutoff for CMAT is around 93 percentile, or above 220 score.
NIBM is an apex Institution set up in 1969 by the Reserve Bank of India, to provide thought leadership to banks and financial institutions.
University of Pune has approved NIBM as a centre for post-graduate research and is recognized by the Ministry of Science & Technology, GoI, as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.
It is a lush green campus of 65 acres, a strong pool of core faculty and a number of visiting faculty members from prestigious academic institutions and reputed banks. The fee for 2018-20 batch is Rs. 6 LPA and the placements are decent with a good RoI. Average salary package is Rs. 10LPA.
Please check NIBM Reviews to get better insights about the institute.
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