What is the fee structure of master in law in delhi University
Rs. 65,000/- p.a for Indian Nationals (to be paid in two equal installments at the beginning of each semester) /
US $ 2000 per annum or its equivalent in INR for foreign nationals
Admission Fee :-
Rs. 1,000/- (one-time payment)
Examination Fee :-
Rs. 200 per course

This is public forum anyone can say what he/she likes to. I gave you the link where you can find the information. Had you gone through that there woudn't had been any confusion. Don't believe
anybody but documents.
Detailed information is available in page no. 21 of brochure http://www.du.ac.in/du/uploads/FoLBulletin20.07.2018.pdf
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Hi princy ,
Fees structure for master in law in Delhi University
Is a two year degree course
Average of 7.26k per year .
First year - 7.69k
Second year - 6.82k
Fee for LLM 1st year at DU for 2018-19:
Fee for students already enrolled with University of Delhi= 5579/-.
Fee for students not enrolled with University of Delhi =5729/-.
For M.C.L. students = Rs. 5729/- +$200.
Detailed infor is available in page no. 21 of brochure http://www.du.ac.in/du/uploads/FoLBulletin20.07.2018.pdf
I hope it helps!

LLM is a programmes started with objective to enrich academic
excellence in professional services. Such programmes have been
started with focus on the needs of working professionals who can't attend regular classes due to work related obligation which is
in regular LLM programme. For example NLU Delhi started LLM (Professional)
for the candidates who has been in service, or has had professional
experience for at least three years. While candidates fulfilling all other requirement can do Regular LLM programme without any work experience. LL.M (Pro) programme will be a
Masters programme through a mixed mode of distance education and
contact learning. Another thing Obtaining LL.M (Pro) for NLU Delhi will not qualify a candidate
for academic (and other) jobs that require LL.M as a minimum
qualification. It will also not qualify a candidate to appear for the
UGC’s National Eligibility Test or similar tests. I hope it helps!
Dear Princy,
The fee structure for Masters in law in Delhi University in the first year is as follows
Fee for PwD Students = 45/-.
Fee for students already enrolled with University of Delhi = 5579/-.
Fee for students not enrolled with University of Delhi = 5729/-.
For M.C.L. students = Rs. 5729/- +$200.
SC/ST Students whose parents are exempted from Paying Income Tax have to pay Rs 105/- Less.
The fee structure for the 2nd and 3rd year is on similar pattern
Hope I could help you with your query