Actually my rank is 79 general category for mtech civil paper can I get seat in Structural Engineering?
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see admission in courses in kiit is done by kiitee entrance test as well as gate score, now civil engineering has 4 specialization and each one has 18 seats, for structural engineering has 18 seats, however GATE qualified candidates shall be accorded preference in the process of selection. GATE qualified candidates having Score 400 or above need not sit in the entrance Examination. now coming to reservation policy ,
15% & 7.5% seats of KIITEE-2020 quota seats will be reserved for Schedule Caste & Scheduled Tribe (by birth) respectively. (Not by adoption or marriage)
3% seats of KIITEE-2020 will be reserved for PC candidates.
so by reviewing all the criteria it would be quite difficult for you to secure seat in structural engineering course. so just participate in the counseling process, besides apply for other institute as well.
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