I secured 62.39 p'le in mat dec-17&56.26 p'le in cat-17.what colleges i can expect based on my score?
Hi Varagani,
Here is the list of colleges falling in your CAT score. Please check the link given below:
You can also CAT Percentile Predictor tool to know which college is suitable for your score. Here it is:
You can use the same for MAT as well. Here is the tool:
There are few colleges you might get a call from on the basis of your MAT score.
- MITSOB, Pune
- IMS, Ghaziabad
- EMPI Business School, Delhi
- FIIB, Delhi
- CBS, Kolkata
- ITM, Mumbai
- Appejay School of Management, Delhi
All the best.

CAT 2024 College Predictor
Know Your Chances for getting Calls from IIMs & other Top MBA Colleges through CAT Percentile, based on your category, academic profile, work-ex & CAT result.