Are there any chances of getting MSc Bio in Bits Goa or Hyd at 266 marks in BITSAT 2020?
BITSAT - one of the most national reputed exam organised by BITS (BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE).
Now as you have secured 266 marks in bitsat, then as per seeing the previous years cutoff trends, you can definitely get Msc in biological sciences in your preferred bits campus, i.e, bits hyderabad and bits goa.
Here are the cutoff closing rank for Msc biological sciences for previous year.
Biological Sciences - 247
Biological Sciences - 250
Also you can get bit pilani, biological sciences as the the last year cutoff closing rank for msc in biological sciences was - 265.
So, there is pretty good chances for you to get biological sciences in any of the three bits campuses.