i have qualified in gate 2020 , can i know how it will be helpful for me in exam or councelling , like can i mention along with registration for exam or councelling
Your query is not clear. Are you talking about your GATE score of the previous year or this year?
In any case, your GATE score is valid for up to 3 years. I am giving a general overview of the GATE exam. Given that you have qualified for GATE last year it can help you either enroll in a master's degree through CCMT 2021.
CCMT gives admissions to MTech/MPlan/MDes/MArch programs based on the GATE score of this year and the previous years. As of now, registration for CCMT is closed. CCMT primarily is for admissions in all NIT'S, few IIIT's and GFTI's.
You can find more details of CCMT here:
You can also enroll in COAP which is the common offer acceptance portal. This is for admissions in Mtech programs at IIT's and Isc Bangalore.
You could access the direct link or the link below for more details.
If you are looking to prepare for GATE 2022, follow the link below
I hope this helps!
Thank you!