among vignan vishakapatnam for CSE and SRKR for IT which is best? please answer on considering all aspects..
Hey there
Mentioned below are the points of comparison between sagi ramakrishnam Raju Engineering College and vignan Visakhapatnam:
sagi ramakrishnam Raju Engineering College
- It has been ranked 251 for Bachelor of technology by National Institute ranking framework.
- It has been accredited by National assessment and accreditation Council with grade A.
- The highest placement package is 12 lakh per annum.
- Wipro Cisco Infosys are its major recruiters.
vignan Visakhapatnam:
- It has been accredited by National assessment and accreditation Council with grade A.
- The highest placement package is 36 lakh per annum
- Amazon TCS Infosys are are its major recruiters.
It can be said that both of the above Institutions are good and it is quite difficult to tell which one is more better.