Andhra university MSC electronics entrance test syllabus
The Andhra University every year conducts AUCET for entrance into postgraduate courses offered under the streams of Science, Commerce, Humanities, Management, Teaching and Mass Communication. AUCET applications have been released from 22nd March 2019 and are open till 21st April 2019. AUCET exams will be held on 13th May 2019 and followed but the result on 21st May 2019, although there is not in particular the syllabus provided by the university but still the general syllabus for physical sciences are Electrostatics :Gauss law and its applications-Uniformly charged sphere, charged cylindrical conductor and an infinite conducting sheet of charge. Deduction of Coulmbs law from Gauss law Mechanical force on a charged conductor Electric potential Potential due to a charged spherical conductor, electric field strength from the electric dipole and an infinite line of charge. Potential of a uniformly charged circular disc
Dielectrics :An atomic view of dielectrics, potential energy of a dipole in an electric field. Polarization and charge density, Gausss law for dielectric medium- Relation between D,E, and P. Dielectric constant, susceptibility and relation between them. Boundary conditions at the dielectric surface. Electric fields in cavities of a dielectric-needle shaped cavity and disc shaped cavity.
Capacitance :Capacitance of concentric spheres and cylindrical condenser, capacitance of parallel plate condenser with and without dielectric. Electric energy stored in a charged condenser force between plates of condenser, construction and working of attracted disc electrometer, measurement of dielectric constant and potential difference.
Magnetostatics :Magnetic shell potential due to magnetic shell field due to magnetic shell -equivalent of electric circuit and magnetic shell Magnetic induction (B) and field (H) -permeability and susceptibility Hysteresis loop.
Moving charge in electric and magnetic field :Hall effect, cyclotron, synchrocyclotron and synchrotron force on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field, force and torque on a current loop, Biot -Savarts law and calculation of B due to long straight wire, a circular current loop and solenoid
Electromagnetic induction :Faradays law -Lenzs law expression for induced emf time varying magnetic fields -Betatron -Ballistic galvanometer theory damping correction self and mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling, calculation of self inductance of a long solenoid -toroid energy stored in magnetic field transformer Construction, working, energy losses and efficiency.
Varying and alternating currents :Growth and decay of currents in LR, CR and LCR circuits Critical damping. Alternating current relation between current and voltage in pure R,C and L-vector diagrams -Power in ac circuits. LCR series and parallel resonant circuit Q-factor. AC & DC motors-single phase, three phase (basics only).
Maxwells equations and electromagnetic waves :A review of basic laws of electricity and magnetism displacement current Maxwells equations in differential form Maxwells wave equation, plane electromagnetic waves -Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves, Poynting theorem, production of electromagnetic waves (Hertz experiment).
Basic Electronics :Formation of electron energy bands in solids, classification of solids in terms of forbidden energy gap. Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi level, continuity equation p-n junction diode, Zener diode characteristics and its application as voltage regulator. Half wave and full wave, rectifiers and filters, ripple factor (quantitative) p n p and n p n transistors, current components in transistors, CB.CE and CC configurations transistor hybrid parameters determination of hybrid parameters from transistor characteristics -transistor as an amplifier concept of negative feed back and positive feed back Barkhausen criterion, RC coupled amplifier and phase shift oscillator (qualitative).
Digital Principles :Binary number system, converting Binary to Decimal and vice versa. Binary addition and subtraction (1s and 2s complement methods). Hexadecimal number system. Conversion from Binary to Hexadecimal vice versa and Decimal to Hexadecimal vice versa.
Logic gates:OR,AND,NOT gates, truth tables, realization of these gates using discrete components. NAND, NOR as universal gates, Exclusive OR gate,De Morgans Laws statement and proof, Half and Full adders. Parallel adder circuits.