BSC and BTech me Kaya Antar full details
After B.Tech you will become an engineer and its highly likely that if you work hard and honestly for all the 4 years, defying all the odds that come in the way during B.Tech you can start earning right from your 6th or 7th semester only,
In B.Sc your career is most probably heading towards research and to get a good job and great life style B.Sc is not enough and will definitely require higher degrees like M.Sc and P.hd atleast to make a good job and salary.
There is a lot of differences between BTECH AND Bsc.
Btech means Bachelor's of Technology is a professional degree with a duration of around 4 years and the opportunities of jobs are more and secured for a breach graduate that too in CS/IT branches. In this, a student is trained to use and understand technology practically. The fees of Btech is higher compared to Bsc because it's a professional degree.
Coming to BSC means Bachelor's in Science is counted as A general degree with a duration of 3 years. in this, a student learns more theoretically rather than practically. if you want to make your career strong then you might need to go for masters because with only bsc you can't get any good job and salary until or unless you are a genius. Fees of Bsc is comparatively low than Btech course. You can opt for professions like a teacher, lecturer( needs, professor( if you've done a PhD) also you can prepare for UPSC.
Hope you like my answer.