Bsc in physical education best government college in meerut
As per a comprehensive search on Internet, there are only 12 colleges in India which offers the course of BSc Physical Education. Among this 12 colleges, 4 colleges are Government institutes and the other 8 colleges are Private institutes. The Government colleges which offers the course of BSc Physical Education are-
UNIPUNE (Pune University) - Savitribai Phule Pune University
DU Delhi - University of Delhi
Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar
Alagappa University, Karaikudi
For the Private colleges you can consider the link provided below:
In Meerut, there are only two institutes which offers the B.P.Ed course. Among the two, one is Government and the other is private institute. The Government institute offering the course of B.P.Ed is CCSU Meerut - Chaudhary Charan Singh University & the private institute offering the course is IIMT University, Meerut .
For more information regarding B.P.Ed as a career consider the link provided below:
I hope this helps. Wish you a great eve!