Can I change my category from General to EWS during JoSAA Counselling?
Well, if you decide to change your information at the time of JoSAA Counselling, you too have to produce the proof. Furthermore, if you have already mentioned General Category in JEE Mains Application Form and the JoSAA Counselling says General EWS, you will be for certain caught at the time you report at your respective reporting centre. And any such act or failure to get the documents verified will lead to the cancellation of admission. So fill the information wisely and honestly.
Check this link to get a better idea about JoSAA Counselling 2019: .
Best of Luck.
Hope this helps.

I made a mistake clicking on male in place of female. I have seen that mistake after results.
So know do I have chance to correct it?
And also how are we supposed to know the rank we'll get in the other category?
You may request to that same alloted institute during counseling round to accept your certificate and slide your josa choices fill queue.
There is high possibility that you get tha same college with better branch rank wrt that new manipulate EWS rank.