can I do MBA after critical care technology about course an salary
Hello applicant,
*Yes you can do MBA after BSC biotechnology. There are several colleges which are offering MBA in biotechnology. You can also DO MBA in clinical and hospital management. Yes, Definitely MBA is a great option if you want to go in the business field after doing B. SC in biotechnology. MBA is a good option but only for those having interest in marketing, business, management can go for it. It is also 2 years program. And it will be also good if you go for a M. Sc in biotechnology after a B. Sc. but , Surely MBA has better job opportunities that an M. Sc.
*And there are multiple reasons why MBA is important. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a master's degree in business administration (management). An MBA degree imparts a strong theoretical foundation in business concepts, provides practical opportunities (via internships, group assignments and individual projects), builds hard-skills in the areas of management and leadership, polishes a range of soft-skills like communication, motivation and negotiation, opens up global opportunities for career growth, allows MBA students to start an independent business.
*And I wanna also discuss about the salary's after completing the MBA:-
*I think, it depends on the grade /level of college from where MBA is done. If you are doing MBA from IIMs , Your starting salary would be above 20lacs per annum. If you are doing MBA from other reputed colleges like XLRI, Spjain, FORE School of management, IIFT, your starting salary would be above 10 lacs per annum. If you are doing MBA from other local college , Your salary would be around 3 to 5 lacs per annum.
*I am suggesting this according to reputation of colleges. According to my point of view, Salary of an individual also depends upon his past quality of work. Just holding one degree wont enhance his salary but if he has knowledge, skills and dedication towards the work along with the degree then he will always be paid higher.
Hope it helpful