Can I have any vit entrance exam material to prepare faster
There are several publications available for VITEEE in the market. But inorder to score better other than fixing your 11th & 12th base in physics ,maths and chemistry you should be aware of the syllabus of VITEEE since there are certain obitions in it's syllabus from JEE mains. It is better to refer more previous year question papers rather than taking sample questions.
All the best.
But at this time you were supposed to prepare for Jee. So go to market and fetch for 40 days question book from a good writer. You can get it online but it can take a while to reach your destination.
So my advice will be without wasting further time, go for it.
Best of luck.
For preparing VIT you should prepare well your NCERT Chemistry book & for physic & math you can also prefer but you can buy a good book specially for preparation of VIT. & solve those questions regularly.
You have to be thorough with yor syllabus to score good in VIT Entrance Exam . You do not need a seperate material to prepare. All the best.
Just boost up your basis of class 11 and 12. They are enough for u to crack bit entrance exam with good ranks.
- Laws of Motion & Work, Energy and Power
- Properties of Matter
- Electro-statistics
- Current Electricity
- Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
- Optics
- Dual Nature of Radiation and Atomic Physics
- Nuclear Physics
- Semiconductor Devices and their Applications
- Atomic Structure
- p,d and f Block Elements
- Coordination Chemistry and Solid State Chemistry
- Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium and Chemical Kinetics
- Electro-chemistry
- Isomerism in Organic Compounds
- Alcohols and Ethers
- Carbonyl Compounds
- Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives
- Organic Nitrogen Compounds and Biomolecules
- Taxonomy
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Reproduction
- Genetics and Evolution
- Human Health and Diseases
- Biochemistry
- Plant Physiology
- Human Physiology
- Biotechnology and its Applications
- Biodiversity, Ecology and Environment
- Matrices and their Applications
- Trigonometry and Complex Numbers
- Analytical Geometry of Two Dimensions
- Vector Algebra
- Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions
- Differential Calculus
- Integral Calculus and its Applications
- Differential Equations
- Probability Distributions
- Discrete Mathematics
- Comprehension Questions
- English Grammar and Pronunciation
Source - Careers360
Thank you & Best Regards.
Hope this will help.
First and foremost whilepreparing for VITEEE, ensure that you know your CBSE/State Board syllabus thoroughly. Nothing out of the syllabus is going to come for the exam. The CBSE/State Board textbooks are very important in the following units:
Inorganic Chemistry The type of questions asked in competitive exams under this part of Chemistry will directly be based off the reactions given in the standard text book. Chapters like s-block, p-block and d-block elements come under this category. Do the exercise questions given at the end of the chapter first. Some of the questions are frequently asked in competitive exams like JEE Mains, BITSAT as well.
Coordinate Geometry The topic is a vast topic and one can go on and on while trying to prepare for it. But with respect to competitive exams, stick to NCERT syllabus for it. It is also useful to practice drawing graphs for various equations as that technique might come in useful in visualizing certain problems that might be too lengthy for solving mathematically.
Semiconductor Devices and their applications The CBSE book for Physics is the primer for this topic. The book pretty much covers everything required in this topic. Some of it might be useful in college courses like Metallurgy.
Other reference books that can be termed as best books for VITEEE preparation by many students are:
Arihant Series DC Pandey
Books onMechanics Part 1,Mechanics Part 2,Waves and Thermodynamics,Electricity and Magnetism andOptics and Modern Physics.
Concepts of Physics (both volumes) by HC Verma.
MCQ Question Bank by D Mukherjee.
Inorganic Chemistry NCERT Text Book.
Organic Chemistry Khan Academy Videos.
Arihant Series Dr. SK Goyal.
Arihant Past Year AIEEE papers.
VITEEE Solved Papers and Mock Tests from Arihant.
RD Sharma Objective Mathematics Part 1 and Part 2 (NCERT difficulty).
NCERT Text Book.
AC Dutta for Botany Oxford Publication.
Pradeeps Biology Guide.
I hope this helps. Good luck!
VITEE is a computer based exam. Try to collect previous entrance examination papers of JEE to prepare and revise your grade 11th and 12th lessons with a proper timetable
You can purchase books and can also download previous years papers.
Go through this link