Can I pursue B.Tech + M.Tech dual degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata? What is its course duration?
Dear Kumar, there are 4 courses for Computer Science Stream in Computer Science and Engineering:
- Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science & Technology
- Masters of Computer Application
- Masters of Engineering in Computer Science & Technology
- Master of Technology in Computer Technology.
There is no integrated programme. You can check their other courses at:

Jadhavpur university is very good university in India.
It comes top in various government rankings.It is one of finest university in INDIA.
It is also provides education in very accomodable rates to the students.
B.TECH +M.TECH dual degree course is of five years Integrated course .
You able to save 1 year time period in this course and able to finish UG and graduation as well
Cutoffs of jadhavpur university follow the link below:
If any queries remain than comment below
Good luck