College Predictor for GATE 2019 doesn't show my chances in IIT Ropar. Can anyone please help me out ?
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Hello hello weni,
From the details that you gave I think you want to know the cutoffs and eligibility so that you can be sure of that whether you would get into IIT Ropar or not based on your GATE marks.
IIT Ropar is one of the eight new IITs established by MHRD with an aim to expand the research and enhance the quality of education in India.
IIT Ropar prepares GATE cutoff by considering a bunch of factors including:
- Previous year cutoff.
- Seats available in the specific course.
- The total number of candidates appeared for GATE exam.
- The difficulty level of the exam.
- GATE normalised score.
So, there might be chances that college predictors may fail in considering these factors. So, Let me give you the complete details of the admission process in IIT Ropar and its cutoff.
Lets first start with the Mtech programs that IIT Ropar have:
Centre for Biomedical Engineering : Total seats 10
- Biomedical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering : Total Seats 35
- Thermal Engineering
- Mechanics and Design
- Manufacturing Engineering
Electrical Engineering : Total Seats 25
- Power Engineering
- Communication and Signal Processing
Computer Science and Engineering: Total seats 20
General Eligibility Criteria for M.Tech Courses:
- Candidates with 60% marks in B.E/ B.Tech/ M.Sc degree are eligible to apply for the M.Tech course offered by IIT Ropar.
- Along with educational qualification, the candidates must have a valid GATE score 2019/ 2018/ 2017.
Now I am giving you the past year cutoff table depicting the past year cutoff for IIT Ropar.
Name of the M.Tech Specialisation GATE Cutoff for General BC SC ST
Biomedical Engineering 436 428 - 244
Computer Science and Engineering 691 611 425 358
Communication and Signal Processing 516 531 434 -
Power Engineering 613 580 415 261
Manufacturing Engineering 675 683 599 230
Mechanics & Design 717 687 611 422
Thermal Engineering 717 675 515 369
This would give you the clear picture of whether you would get into IIT Ropar or not.
All the best!

GATE Score Predictor 2025
Student can predict their estimated score in GATE 2025 exam based on expected marks.