Does State counseling and management quota counseling for pg seats happen simultaneously in andhra Pradesh ?
Answer (1)
The counseling process for the seats in government quota is altogether a different process from the admissions under management quota. The admissions under management are limited and the booking of such seats start quite in advance. The sooner one books a seat under this quota better would be his/her chances to secure one, since the number of seats under management quota is limited, whereas number of people trying to get the same is quite high.
Comments (4)
But sir this year MCC is saying not to block or book seats in advance ,,and they are students to apply through counseling only.
They said students to apply through counseling only
Management quota admissions do not happen right away through admissions office. In many cases the admissions office tries to avoid direct admission through management quota. In this case I would suggest you to connect to any current student and enquire as to how did they get admission through management quota.
Sometimes these admissions happen through another channel. You need to find it. I hope this helps.
Sometimes these admissions happen through another channel. You need to find it. I hope this helps.
Thanks for the suggestion sir
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