Question : Given below are four sentences, three of which are jumbled. Pick the option that gives the correct order.
A. We used to pride ourselves on aircraft recognition.
B. None of us could even see it in the glare of the sun.
C. However, without even a glance, the professor announced that it was a North American Harvard Trainer.
D. Once, we heard the drone of a plane flying high overhead.
Option 1: ABCD
Option 2: ABDC
Option 3: ADBC
Option 4: ACBD
Correct Answer: ADBC
Solution : The correct choice is the third option.
The paragraph begins by stating that the group used to take pride in their ability to recognise aircraft (A). Then, it introduces an incident when they hear the sound of a plane flying overhead (D). Subsequently, the group's ability to recognise the aircraft is tested when none of them can see it due to the glare of the sun (B). Finally, the professor, without even looking, identifies the plane as a North American Harvard Trainer (C), showcasing the group's aircraft recognition skills in a challenging situation.
Therefore, the correct answer is, ADBC.