hai, i got 55.33 mark in tancet mba and i belong to mbc category which is the best college for doing mba and whther i can give conslidated
Hi Navina,
With 55.33 marks in TANCET MBA 2018 exam and MBC category, you are likely to qualify for some renowned B-schools in Tamil Nadu. Some of the colleges you may be eligible for are Anna University, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, etc.
To check your eligibility for a particular college, visit the link below, select the course MBA and select a college from the drop down, and the category-wise cutoff of that particular college will be displayed on the screen. Here is the link:
TANCET MBA/MCA Cutoff 2018
Hope that’s helpful. All the best.
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