Hello sir ...du ki cut off agyi kya?..nd counselling process start hogya ??...please reply
Your query isn't complete
Please tell us that which cut off you want do that we can help you
Please provide us course name for which you want information
Delhi university is about to release sixth cut off
For more information visit www.du.ac.in
The cut off for DU has not been released yet.
The expected cut off for admission in DU LLB 2018 is as follows for the various categories.
General 990-1470, 230-250
Other Backward Classes- 3100-3900, 200-210
Scheduled Caste- 5670-6790, 160-180
Scheduled Tribe- 9610-11750, 130-120
This is according to the previous year cut trends and level of examination this year, you can expect a similar cut off this year too.
To know about the counselling procedure, use the link below.
Best of luck!
Colleges/Universites Accepting CUET Score
Download list of Colleges/ Universities Accpeting CUET/CUCET Score with Cut-OFFs