how government medical college seats are alloted for OBC students in Tamil Nadu???with respective colleges?
OBC Category has 27% reservation in NEET across India. The same rule also applies to Tamilnadu NEET Counselling. It is not that specific Colleges would have OBC seats and other would not. The seats are distributed across Colleges. For example, if a Medical College has 100 seat intake, 27 seats are allotted to OBCs and this is the same across all Government and Private Medical Colleges. For a seat under OBC Category, you will need atleast 500-550. Cut offs change every year depending on various factors such as no.of Candidates appearing for the exam, no.of Candidates qualified, top NEET score and difficulty of the exam. To help you with your NEET preparation, we have NEET Knockout packages that you can check at: To help you during admission and counselling, we have