How is ECE in VBIT (Vignan Bharathi institute of Technology) Ghatkesar in terms of college/course/ragging/fee/placements in 2018?
Hi dear,
Electronic and communication engineering in vignana Bharathi institute of technology is good enough.Acc. to career 360 the students rating is 3.5 out of 5. 78% students recommend this college.
College Infrastructure
4.1 Out of 5
Campus placement
2.6 Out of 5
Industry Exposure
2.7 Out of 5
3.7 Out of 5
College Life
3.8 Out of 5
2.5 Out of 5
Student Crowd
3.1 Out of 5
3.6 Out of 5
All the best
The VBIT college is good in term of repuatation, i term of coures all knids are available
Dear i must tell you that Ragging is again's the law.
Even placement is very good in that college most of the MNC will hire the students and the package will be start from 2.30 P.A
I belive the future will be good if you take the admission in that college.

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