How is the NIT Trichy Production Engineering?
Dear aspirant;
t depends on the rank mostly rather than the marks. and also it matters what category you are.
the TOP NITs are trichy, surathkal, calicut and warangal and the rest of them follows. for getting into top 4 NITs i am giving the range of marks and ranks for different categories. remember they vary from year to year.
General- marks range(750–650) Rank(1000–2500)
OBC -marks range(700–580) Rank(2000–8000)
SC/ST- marks range( 600–400) Rank(5000–20000)
Thank you.
All the best!
Production engineering is basically mechanical engineering minus thermodynamics.
So you can go into most of the mechanical engineering fields like automobiles, industrial tools making etc.
However production engineers are paid lesser compared to mechanical engineers.
( Average salary of production engineers is
Most of the production engineers in NIT Trichy do MBA as their course is comparitively easy and they can concentrate on exams like CAT,GMAT etc.
If you want to study engineering (with an essence of mechanical eng.), but also have some inclination towards management subjects, this course is for you.
Otherwise, Prod is comparatively the most chilled out course out of all UG programmes offered in NITT, i.e., the no, of classes held per hour is comparitively lower.
Hostel- Yes, I have to address you about the climate issues you'll be facing (mostly very hot and humid), but the student faculty environment and the endless festive seasons make you forget all the hurdles you might come across. You also have many food outlets every where- then and there, some of them are eveen 24/7 and many more are under process and yet to come. Food won't be an issue at all in NITT.
Final Verdict:Whichever may be the course, you'll for sure enjoy your life once you are into NITT.
Good luck!
No, production building isn't mechanical short thermodynamics. What's more, no, not all subjects are same.
Production building is totally not quite the same as mechanical.
On the off chance that you need arrangements after your B.Tech. at that point please look somewhere else. Production situations are awful. You will never be dealt with equivalent to your mechanical companions, however great your profile is. Be that as it may in the event that you are getting ready for highers at that point there is no other division like production( in case you're keen on assembling and modern). Being a production build opens up the assembling, modern and the mechanical higher investigation choices.
Pick shrewdly.