How many engineering colleges have NCC
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There are various engineering colleges in India having NCC, some of them are:
1. Lovely professional University
2. Nehru College of Engineering
3. SRM University
4. Sathyabama University
5. Pachyapppas Engineering College
6. Veltech University
7. Bharath University
8. All IIT engineering colleges in India
9. All NIT engineering colleges in India
Hope this helps, all the best.
There are various engineering colleges in India having NCC, some of them are:
1. Lovely professional University
2. Nehru College of Engineering
3. SRM University
4. Sathyabama University
5. Pachyapppas Engineering College
6. Veltech University
7. Bharath University
8. All IIT engineering colleges in India
9. All NIT engineering colleges in India
Hope this helps, all the best.
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