how many months of current affairs is required for clat 2021. is it enough to study from affairs cloud alone for clat?
Since this section of the CLAT has comprehension-based questions, you must be well-versed in current affairs for at least a year before taking the test. Daily reading of editorials will help you immensely with this. While newspapers should always be your first choice when it comes to covering current affairs, you can supplement them with any other monthly magazine.
Prior to appearing for CLAT, you should be well acquainted with current affairs of at least one year, since this section has comprehension based questions, hence it's imperative that you should have strong comprehension skills, and answer the questions swiftly but with no error, hence a daily reading of editorials help tremendously, newspaper should always be a priority when it comes to covering current affairs but yes, you can supplement it with any other monthly magazine such as pratiyogita darpan or any other relevant site as per preference, many of these can also be easily downloaded in your phone, to know more details regarding this, visit our page at