How to prepare for GATE in agriculture engineering

Kindly refer these books, make plan , time management is compulsory,
Soil and Water Conservation / Irrigation
1) Soil and Water Conservation Engineering by Prof.R.Suresh
2) Land and Water Management Engineering by V.V.N Murty
3) Engineering Hydrology by K Subramanya
4) Irrigation Theory and Practices by Dr. A.M. Michael (preferably 1st edition)
Farm Power and Machinery
1) Elements of Agricultural Engineering by Dr. Jagdishwar Sahay
2) Farm Tractor Maintenance and Repair by S.C. Jain
Agricultural Process Engineering
1) Unit Operations of Agricultural Processing by Sahay and Singh
2) PHT of C.P. & O by chakravorty
) Handbook of Agril Engg. by ICAR publications
2) Principles of Agricultural Engineering Volume I & II by T.P. Ojha & A.M. Michel
2) Objectives for Agril Engg by Garg and Pitam Chandra
3) Objectives for Agril Engg by Rawat and Nikhade
4) Non-Conventional Sources of Energy by G.D. Rai (for renewable energy)
5) Any basic book of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science
Also you can find good study material from coaching institute.