how to prepare IIT kharagpur iit exam?
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Answer (1)
You can follow below tips to crack your exam
1- Try to understand the concepts to build your strong fundamentals.
2- You can organize your time. JEE Advanced paper can be attempted within the time constraint. You can make your proper time-table. So, that you have enough time for revision. Do revision on regular basis.
3- You should solve previous year papers to understand the exam pattern and level of questions.
4- Try to solve as many as MCQs for your practice and you should solve questions from each topic. So, that all important topics are covered.
1- Try to understand the concepts to build your strong fundamentals.
2- You can organize your time. JEE Advanced paper can be attempted within the time constraint. You can make your proper time-table. So, that you have enough time for revision. Do revision on regular basis.
3- You should solve previous year papers to understand the exam pattern and level of questions.
4- Try to solve as many as MCQs for your practice and you should solve questions from each topic. So, that all important topics are covered.
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