I am an oc candidate and i got rank 15,000 in ap eamcet(2020) am i eligible to get fee reimbursement under EWS category?
Latest: AP EAMCET Sample Papers
Admission Alert: B.Tech @ Woxsen University
Hi virat reddy ,
Based on your rank , caste and the branch you pick they will decided your college and as per your question based on reservation if he or she belongs to oc or it may be ews also you will get 70% of your college fee as scholarship from government and rest you need to pay and for example if your fee is 50,000 then you will get 35000 from the government and rest you need to pay , for more information go to below link regarding cutoff , counselling and also you can predict your college based on your rank
I hope this information
AP EAMCET Sample Papers
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