I can gate campas placement in the branch Electronic and computer science engineering from KIIT.
KIIT University has a good placement scenario in ECE. you needn't worry about your placement at the campus. just you need to work hard there. your sincerity will pay at the end and no doubt you will get a very good and reputing package at the campus.
Hope it helps
thank you!
Hello Sayan,
Kalinga Institute of Information Technology is a very reputed private college of India located in Orissa. The Electronics and Computer Science branch is an amalgamation of Computer Science and Electronics Engineering including some parts from both the original courses.
As for the plcaement, if you have qualified GATE and the PSUs or other companies that recruit on the basis of GATE come to the caampus, then you can be selected proided your interview goes well.
Follow the below link for more information: