I forgot to enter iiits in my locked choices. Any chances to edit them.
Hello Aspirant,
This is a common problem that rises frequently. Same problem happened dirdurmy choice filling so after 1 week government give the students the chance to edit their form.
So you cam also edit your form easily when the notice of refilling will come.
You can go through our link given below where you will find all the information about the choice filling process,
Good luck!
Yes you have one chance that is CSAB special round.
Seat allocation process this year would involve seven normal rounds, to be conducted by JoSAA-2019 for admission to IITs and NITs, IIITs, and GFTIs which will be followed by Two Special Vacant Seats Filling Rounds, to be conducted by CSAB 2019, only for NITs, IIITs, GFTIs.
You can have one more chance to fill choices in CSAB special round only.
Thank you.