i got 114 marks out of 200 in gitam gat 2021 , will i get seat in bsc. food technology?
You got 114 in GITAM GAT examination which is good dear. Your marks in between 2800. So you can get chance to admission in GITAM University. Although cutoff will differ in every year. But in this marks you can get BSC in food technology department. The fees of this department 1.3 lakh. GITAM University have three campuses may be you will get Visakhapatnam campus. So you can go for counselling dear.
Food technology is a good department for studying. In this study involved in production, processing, preservation, packaging, labeling, quality management, and distribution of food products. This is three years duration course. And placement also good there. I'll provide you a link below you can check it for more details about the college
All the best.