I got 6894 raank in srmjee phase 2, is it possible for me get cs branch?
Dear student,
See, cut-offs varies from year to year, it is difficult to predict exactly in which campus you can get Computer Science Engineering branch. B ased on previous year's cut-offs, you have chances of getting seat in below mentioned Campuses.
You have chances of getting Computer Science Engineering seat in most of the SRM Campuses. This year cut-offs may increase decrease or remain same.
Cut-offs varies yearly and depends on many factors like
1. Difficulty level of the exam
2. Caste category
3. Number of students appeared in the exam
4. Number of seats available, etc.
You can check, expected cut-offs of SRMJEE and previous year's cut-offs, go through below mentioned link.
I hope this information was helpful to you.
Best of Luck!!